
Relics and Saints 1 – Part 13


Jesus of Nazareth taught not to impart the spiritual title of “father” to any person on earth, because “One is your Father Who is in heaven”. The church, however, calls its Pope even “Holy Father”. Jesus also prayed to His Father, Who alone is “holy”. He meant God. He brought closer to us the eternal All-One Creator-God to Whom every person with an honest heart can pray “Abba, Dear Father”. He is also the only Saint. Jesus refused to be called “Good Master”, since God alone is good. The church, however, calls its peers “saints”. Crimes and shameful deeds are not necessarily an obstacle. The church canonized the Pope who called for the massacres of the 1st Crusade. Yet Jesus taught, “Blessed are the peacemakers”, “blessed are the meek”. And why do we need “Saints” and “Blesseds” as alleged “intercessors” before God, if God indeed dwells in us, and we can turn to Him directly in the Lord’s Prayer? And why must all “Saints” be Catholics and never a Protestant is canonized or beatified? Who after all are the Catholic “Saints”? In doing so, has not the Church reawakened the gods of the ancient cruel polytheism to church life again? There is a “Saint” for everything just as there were “Gods” for everything in earlier times. Moreover, canonized will be those who were of use to the church. Just as the “Gods” were of use to the former rulers. Hardly anything has changed.

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