Welcome to the-free-spirit.de,
the site for free thinkers, free from being forbidden to think.

You peoples of the Earth, take down from the cross the teachings of Jesus von Nazareth, the Free Spirit!Christ the Free Spirit Outside the Church

Brothers and Sisters, Fear Not, the Spirit of Our Heavenly Father Is with Us. Brothers and Sisters, Fear Not, the Christ of God Is with Us. Christ, the Free Spirit – Outside the Church!

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Information, Background, Facts, Clarification

Are you interested in programs from the subject areas of commentary on current issues, faith and the search for meaning, information on the abuse of the name “Christ” and “Christian,” help for life, ethics and similar topics, then you will find here an interesting TV programs.

We wish you expanded insights and liberating recognitions.
ο Appeal of the Original Christians of the Sermon on the Mount for Peace, for the Teachings of Jesus, the Christ – Do you feel addressed by this? Then write a message to us. Click here

New Videos

The Diabolical Logic of Weapons – and the Pope

The Diabolical Logic of Weapons - and the Pope. The Vatican sometimes causes confusion. This was the case a few weeks ago, when Pope Francis spoke of the “perverse logic of weapons”, which is furthest from the will of God. In this program, it is demonstrated that, although such things...


The Battle of The Two Swords With Their Kind

The Battle of The Two Swords With Their Kind Behind the warring parties — the Russian government and the Ukrainian government — there are, as always, church leaders who legitimize their own party’s war as being just. It has been like this in all wars during the past centuries. The...


This War Could Have Been Prevented

THIS VIDEO IS NO LONGER VIEWABLE IN THE MEDIA LIBRARY The Ukraine-Russian-War This War Could Have Been Prevented (1:06:30)


Who Are the Good Guys? Who, the Bad?

The Mode - Yesterday and Today - Special N° 25: Who are the Good Guys? Who, the Bad? THIS VIDEO IS NO LONGER VIEWABLE IN THE MEDIA LIBRARY The warmongering of Western European politicians and media continues to escalate further. The causes seem so "simple": One is the bad guy,...


“De-crucify” Jesus of Nazareth, so that the Resurrection Cross Becomes Visible

The Mode - Yesterday and Today - Special N° 24: De-Crucify Jesus of Nazareth, so that the Resurrection Cross Becomes Visible Jesus of Nazareth is risen. This is what many people who call themselves Christians believe. But then why is He still hanging on the cross in the churches to...
